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Iterate through Map in C++: 6 New Methods (with Codes)

  • Nov 15, 2023
  • 8 Minutes Read
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  • By Anubhav Agarwal
Iterate through Map in C++: 6 New Methods (with Codes)

In this article, we will learn about the various methods to iterate over the map in C++. Finding the frequency of an element in an array is the most basic operation on a map. Therefore, knowing about the map and the methods for its iteration is very crucial. So, before learning about the methods, let's first understand what a map is.

What is a Map?

A map is an associative container where each element has a key-value pair. No two elements can have the same key. Map sorts the elements in increasing order by using its own comparator function whether it's an int or a string. It stores the values in the mapped fashion. It is included in the map header file.

Here is a syntax of Map in C++:

map<datatype,datatype> Mymap;



map<int, string> test={    {1, "Java",},
                           {2, "Python",},
                           {3, "C++",},
                           {4, "Javascript",},


Now, let's now talk about the methods to iterate over the map in C++.

How to Iterate through Map in C++?

There are 6 methods to iterate over a C++ map. Some of these are easier but only implemented in the latest versions of the programming language.

  1. Using a Range Based for loop
  2. Traversing using begin() and end()
  3. STL Iterator
  4. std::for_each and lambda function
  5. Using Range-based for loop (C++11)
  6. Using range-based for loop with key-values pairs

Let's learn about each method one by one.

1) Using a Range Based for loop

In this method, we use the keyword "auto" to iterate through the map. Let's look at an example. We are finding the frequency of each element in an array and printing the map from the beginning :

// Welcome to Favtutor
// CPP program to traverse a map using range
// based for loop
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int arr[] = { 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3 };
	int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

	map<int, int> m;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

	cout << "Element Frequency" << endl;
	for (auto i : m)    // auto keyword 
		cout << i.first << " " << i.second
			<< endl;

	return 0;



Element  Frequency
1          4
2          1
3          2
4          1


Note: In an unordered_map, elements will be in random order!

2) Traversing using begin() and end()

In this method, we will create an iterator using the same auto keyword and along with that, we will also use the begin() and end() which are the basic functions associated with the map in C++.  In the below example, we are finding the frequency of each element in an array and printing the map from the beginning :

//Welcome to Favtutor
// CPP program to traverse a map using iterators
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int arr[] = { 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3 };
	int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

	map<int, int> m;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

	cout << " Element Frequency" << endl;
	for (auto i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++)
		cout << i->first << "	 " << i->second
			<< endl;

	return 0;



Element  Frequency
1          4
2          1
3          2
4          1


Note: In an unordered_map, elements will be in random order!

 Here,  m.begin() returns an iterator to the first element in the map m, and m.end() returns an iterator to the theoretical element that follows the last element in the map m.

 3) STL Iterator

The C++ STL allows us to create the iterator of std::map and we can initialize it from the beginning of the map and can successfully traverse to the end of it. The below example demonstrates the above:

//Welcome to Favtutor

int main()
	// Map created
	std::map<std::string, int> ExampleMap;
	// elements are inserted into map
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Sunday", 1));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Monday", 2));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Tuesday", 3));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Wednesday", 4));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Thursday", 5));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Friday", 6));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Saturday", 7));
	// map iterator created
	// iterator pointing to start of map
	std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it = ExampleMap.begin();
	// Iterating over the map using Iterator till map end.
	while (it != ExampleMap.end())
		// Accessing the key
		std::string word = it->first;
		// Accessing the value
		int count = it->second;
		std::cout << word << " :: " << count << std::endl;
		// iterator incremented to point next item
	return 0;



Friday :: 6
Monday :: 2
Saturday :: 7
Sunday :: 1
Thursday :: 5
Tuesday :: 3
Wednesday :: 4


4) std::for_each and lambda function

In this method we will use the for_each method for traversing the map and the lambda expression will be used as a callback and will receive each map entry. The below example demonstrates the above:

// Welcome to Favtutor

int main()
	// Map created
	std::map<std::string, int> ExampleMap;
	// elements are inserted into map
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Sunday", 1));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Monday", 2));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Tuesday", 3));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Wednesday", 4));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Thursday", 5));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Friday", 6));
	ExampleMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("Saturday", 7));
	// map iterator created
	// iterator pointing to start of map
	std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it = ExampleMap.begin();
	// Iterating over the map till map end.
		std::for_each(ExampleMap.begin(), ExampleMap.end(),
				[](std::pair<std::string, int> key_value)
					// Accessing the key
					std::string word = key_value.first;
					// Accessing the value
					int count = key_value.second;
					std::cout<<word<<" :: "<<count<<std::endl;
	return 0;



Friday :: 6
Monday :: 2
Saturday :: 7
Sunday :: 1
Thursday :: 5
Tuesday :: 3
Wednesday :: 4


5) Using Range-based for loop (C++11)

In the C++11 version, there is a new way to traverse through the map in C++. This is the most elegant way to iterate over a map in C++. The below example demonstrates the above:

//Welcome to Favtutor
using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Initialize a map
    map<string, string> countryCapitalMap;
    // Insert different elements in map
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("India", "Delhi"));
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("Nepal", "Kathmandu"));
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("China", "Beijing"));
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("France", "Paris"));

    // Iterate using iterator in for loop
    for (const auto &ele : countryCapitalMap) {
        cout <<ele.first << ":" << ele.second<<"\n";
    return 0;





6) Using range-based for loop with key-values pairs

Here, you can explicitly access the key-value pair in the map. This version is supported from c++17 onwards and provides a more flexible way for iterating over the map. Here we are destructuring into the key and value. The below example demonstrates the above:

//Welcome to Favtutor
using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Initialize a map
    map<string, string> countryCapitalMap;
    // Insert different elements in map
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("India", "Delhi"));
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("Nepal", "Kathmandu"));
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("China", "Beijing"));
    countryCapitalMap.insert(pair<string, string>("France", "Paris"));

    // Iterate using iterator in for loop
    for (const auto& [key, value] : countryCapitalMap) {
        cout << key << ":" << value << "\n";
    return 0;





Till now we have discussed the std::map in C++. Now, let's also take an example of unordered_maps as well as we discussed earlier it stores the data in random order rather than sorted.

Iterate through an unordered map in C++

In this example, we will use a range-based for loop to iterate over the unordered map. 

// Welcome to Favtutor
// CPP program to traverse a unordered_map using
// range based for loop
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int arr[] = { 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3 };
	int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

	unordered_map<int, int> m;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

	cout << "Element Frequency" << endl;
	for (auto i : m)
		cout << i.first << " " << i.second
			<< endl;

	return 0;



Element  Frequency
1   4
2   1
3   2
4   1


Comparing Efficiency of Different Methods

When choosing a method to iterate through a map, it is important to consider its efficiency. While all the methods discussed above are valid, they may have different performance characteristics depending on the specific use case.

  • Range-Based For Loop: This method provides a clean and concise syntax but may have a slight overhead due to the creation of temporary variables for each iteration.

  • Begin() and End(): Using explicit iterators can be more efficient in certain scenarios, especially when needing to manipulate the iterator directly or when using algorithms that require iterator-based access.

  • STL Iterators: This method provides the most control over the iteration process but may introduce more complexity and verbosity in the code.

  • std::for_each and Lambda Functions: This method offers flexibility and readability but may have a slight performance overhead compared to other methods due to the additional function call for each iteration.

  • Reverse Iteration: Iterating in reverse order can be useful in some cases, but it may introduce additional overhead due to the use of an adapter or reverse iterators.

  • Structured Bindings: This method provides a concise and readable syntax for accessing key-value pairs, but its efficiency is comparable to the range-based for loop.

The choice of the iteration method should depend on the specific requirements of your application, considering factors such as readability, maintainability, and performance.

Best Practices for Map Iteration

To ensure smooth and efficient map iteration, consider the following best practices:

  • Choose the Correct Data Structure: Select the appropriate map type (regular map or unordered map) based on your requirements for ordering and performance.

  • Use Const Iterators: Whenever possible, use const iterators to prevent accidental modifications to the map during iteration.

  • Avoid Unnecessary Copies: If you only need to read the values and don't require modification, use const references or pointers instead of making unnecessary copies.

  • Minimize Map Modifications: Modifying a map during iteration can lead to undefined behavior. If modifications are necessary, follow the precautions mentioned earlier.

  • Consider Performance Trade-offs: Different iteration methods have different performance characteristics. Choose the method that best suits your needs, considering factors such as readability, maintainability, and performance.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to enhance your map iteration experience:

  • Checking Existence: Use the find() function or the count() function to check the existence of a key in a map before accessing its value.

  • Default Values: Utilize the operator[] or the at() function with a default value to access map elements safely, even if the key does not exist.

  • Custom Comparison Function: When using a map with custom key types, provide a custom comparison function to ensure the correct ordering of elements.


Iterating through a map efficiently is a fundamental skill for any C++ developer. In this article, we explored various methods to iterate through a map, including range-based for loops, explicit iterators, STL algorithms, and lambda functions. We also discussed best practices, handling map modifications, and additional tips and tricks to enhance the map iteration process.

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About The Author
Anubhav Agarwal
I'm a research-oriented engaged in various technologies and a technical content writer. Being a coder myself, going through the documentation to provide optimized solutions as technical content is what I always look for.