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What does xrange() do in Python?

  • Sep 27, 2024
  • 7 Minutes Read
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  • By Kusum Jain
What does xrange() do in Python?

If you are coding in Python, there is a handy function called xrange() that can be very useful, especially in classic Python 2. Let's see how it works.

What is xrange() in Python?

In Python 2, xrange() is a built-in method that generates an integer series. It is used when it is necessary to iterate over a range of values without keeping a list in memory.

But in Python 3, they replaced xrange() with range(), which does the same thing but returns a range object rather than a list.

The function xrange() accepts three arguments: start, stop, and step. The start argument determines the sequence's starting value (default is 0), the stop argument specifies the sequence's exclusive ending value, and the step argument specifies the increment value (default is 1). The created sequence contains all numbers from start to stop, but not including stop, and is incremented by step in each iteration.

The xrange() function saves memory by generating each number in the series as needed, rather than precompiling and storing all values in memory like a list. This allows it to iterate over vast ranges without taking a lot of memory.

Difference between range() and xrange() in Python

The range() is a Python 3, but xrange() was present in Python 2 but was deleted in Python 3. In Python 3, range() returns a range object that uses a constant amount of memory regardless of range size. It represents the values for start, stop, and step, allowing for efficient memory usage. When called, xrange() in Python 2 creates each number in the sequence on the fly using a generator-like mechanism. As a result, it uses very little memory, making it useful for iterating over vast ranges without constructing a list in memory.

Xrange() in Python not defined

The xrange() method is not defined in Python, notably Python 3. This is because xrange() was a Python 2 feature that gave an alternative to the range() function.

In Python 2, xrange() was used to construct a sequence of integers in a memory-efficient manner, particularly for large ranges. It returned an xrange object, which behaved like a generator, generating numbers on the fly as it was iterated rather than creating a list of all the numbers in memory.

In Python 3, however, the functionality of xrange() has been included into the range() method. In Python 3, the range() function returns a range object that functions similarly to the xrange object in Python 2. It creates numbers on demand, which optimises memory usage and allows for efficient iteration over broad ranges.

If you see the error message "NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined" in Python, it suggests you're using Python 3 and trying to call a function that doesn't exist. To fix the problem, replace xrange() with range() in your code.

How to import xrange() in Python?

When xrange() was available in Python 2, there was no need to import it because it was a built-in method. xrange() can be used without an import declaration. It served as an alternative to Python 2's range() method, allowing for memory-efficient iteration over huge ranges.


In conclusion, xrange() cannot be imported or used in Python 3. If you're using Python 3, you should use the range() function, which has similar functionality.

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About The Author
Kusum Jain
I am an avid coder on CodeChef, I partake in hackathons regularly. I am an independent and self-motivated student with a love for coding and experiencing new things.