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Python: How to Print without newline (3 Methods)

  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 6 Minute Read
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  • By Komal Gupta
Python: How to Print without newline (3 Methods)

In any programming language, displaying output to the console is a basic operation. Depending on the situation, you may need to customize your print output, so today In this article, we'll look at a solution to a Python problem that involves printing output without a newline.

While printing output is a simple task thanks to Python's print() function, there are situations where you may want to print multiple outputs on the same line without introducing a new line in between. 

As we all know, in Python a newline character (\n) is automatically added at the end of each output by the Python print() method to avoid this we have some methods below.

Method 1: Using Sys library Python makes it easy to print without a newline

To write output to the terminal without a newline character, we can substitute the sys.stdout.write() function for the print() function.

import sys

sys.stdout.write(" Welcome to Favtutor")


Hello Welcome to Favtutor

Note: This function also returns the character length of the last string passed above 20, which is the length of the string " Welcome to Favtutor".

Method 2: Using the End Parameter

The print() function's end parameter in Python 3 can be used to get rid of the newline character. The end parameter's default value is the newline character, or '\n'. To print without a newline character, we can set it to either the empty string or any other character/string.

print("Hello, World!", end='')
print(" Welcome to ",end='-')


Hello, World! Welcome to -Favtutor

Method 3: Using the sep Parameter

To define a different separator between the items to be printed, use the print() function's sep parameter. Instead of using the standard space character to divide the items, this argument specifies a string. This is a useful method when you want to combine two print statements in one line instead of writing 2 lines of code for that.

The strings "Hello" and "world" are joined in the code below and are separated by a space, or any other string that is, proving that "sep" works between strings. When the 'end' option is used, however, the string's end is affected. 

1. Using Sep Parameter

print('Hello','World' ,sep=' ')


Hello World

2. Using End Parameter

print('Hello','World' ,end=' ')


Hello World Hello

In Older Version like Python 2.x you can find below method also working but this does not work in Python 3


In Python3, printing without a newline character is necessary for output formatting. In this post, we learnt how to print text in Python without a newline by using the sys.stdout.write() method and the print() function's end option.To get our text to appear on the same line in Python 2.x, we may add a comma to the end of our print statement.

Happy Learning :)

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About The Author
Komal Gupta
I am a driven and ambitious individual who is passionate about programming and technology. I have experience in Java, Python, and machine learning, and I am constantly seeking to improve and expand my knowledge in these areas. I am an AI/ML researcher. I enjoy sharing my technical knowledge as a content writer to help the community.