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Enums in Python | Enumeration Type (with Examples)

  • Nov 07, 2023
  • 7 Minutes Read
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  • By Abhisek Ganguly
Enums in Python | Enumeration Type (with Examples)

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, offers a multitude of features to simplify the development process. Among these, Python's enum module stands out as a gem. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Python enums, dissecting their definition, usage, and advantages, and even examining some common misconceptions.

What is a Python Enum?

Enumerations, often referred to as enums, provide a mechanism for representing a well-defined and distinct set of symbolic names (members) that correspond to specific, unique values. In Python, the enum module, which was introduced as part of PEP 354, enables developers to define their enumerations. This offers a more readable and maintainable approach to representing data, as it allows you to work with named constants instead of raw, unexplained values, making your code more self-explanatory and less error-prone.

Python Enum Example

Let's begin by illustrating the concept of Python enums with a simple example:

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3


Here, we've created an enum named Color with three members: RED, GREEN, and BLUE. Each member is associated with a unique integer value. Instead of using raw integers, you can now employ these symbolic names throughout your code, enhancing code readability and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Python Enum Type

Python enums create instances of the Enum class, which serves as the base class for all enums. The Enum class provides numerous attributes and methods for working with enums.

Checking the Type of an Enum Member:

To determine the type of an enum member, you can use the isinstance() function:

if isinstance(Color.RED, Color):
    print("Color.RED is an enum member of the Color enum.")


Enum Member Attributes:

Each enum member has two primary attributes: a name (a string) and a value. You can access these attributes using the name and value properties:

print(Color.RED.name)   # Output: "RED"
print(Color.RED.value)  # Output: 1


Is Python Enum Ordered?

Python enums are indeed ordered. This means that the sequence in which you define enum members within an enum class is preserved and significant. The order of enum members plays a pivotal role when you iterate through them or perform comparisons. This characteristic makes Python enums a reliable choice for scenarios where you need a specific and consistent order. 

As shown in this Example:

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

for color in Color:





The output confirms that Python enums maintain the order of members, rendering them suitable for use cases where member sequence matters, such as representing color codes, days of the week, or any other ordered set of values.

Python enums' inherent orderliness simplifies working with and maintaining code, ensuring that your enumerations remain consistent and predictable throughout your projects.

Why Do We Use Enum in Python?

Python enums indeed provide several advantages that can enhance code quality and maintainability. Here are some key reasons why you should consider using enums:

enums in python usage image

1. Readability

Enums provide meaningful names for values, making the code more self-explanatory. For instance, Color.RED is far more readable than 1 in your code.

2. Maintainability

If the underlying values of an enumeration need to change, you only need to update the enum definition, ensuring consistency across the codebase. Without enums, manually updating every occurrence of a value can lead to errors and maintenance nightmares.

3. Type Safety

Enums are a distinct type in Python, preventing the accidental use of incorrect values. This enhances code robustness by catching errors at an early stage, reducing debugging efforts.

4. Self-Documenting

Enum names serve as built-in documentation for your code, reducing the need for extensive comments. With descriptive names like Color.RED your code becomes more self-documenting.

What else can be Used Instead of Enum in Python?

While Python enums are powerful and versatile, there are alternative approaches you can consider depending on your specific use case:

1. Constants

If you require a fixed set of values that won't change during runtime, you can use simple constant variables. However, this approach lacks the advantages of enums in terms of readability and type safety.

RED = 1
BLUE = 3


2. Dictionaries

For mapping values to names, dictionaries can be a viable alternative. This approach provides flexibility, but it doesn't enforce the fixed set of values that enums offer.

color_mapping = {
    "RED": 1,
    "GREEN": 2,
    "BLUE": 3


3. Named Tuples

Named tuples can be used when you need to associate names with values. They are more lightweight than enums but lack some of the features offered by enums, such as type safety.

from collections import namedtuple

Color = namedtuple("Color", ["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"])
color = Color(1, 2, 3)


4. Class Constants

You can define class constants within a regular class to represent named constants. However, this approach does not provide the distinct enum type.

class Color:
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3


The choice between these alternatives and enums ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project. Enums shine when you need a well-defined set of values with all the benefits they offer.

Are Enums Slow in Python?

Python enums are not significantly slower than using constants or other alternatives. They are implemented efficiently and offer a good balance between performance and maintainability. In most cases, any perceived performance difference is negligible, and the benefits of using enums in terms of code clarity and type safety far outweigh any potential minor performance impact.


Python enums are a valuable addition to the language, allowing you to define and work with symbolic names and constants in a more organized and readable manner. They are ordered, promote type safety, and enhance code maintainability. While alternatives exist, enums are a robust and efficient choice for many use cases. When used appropriately, Python enums can make your code more self-documenting, easier to understand, and less error-prone. By embracing enums, you empower yourself to write cleaner, more maintainable, and more reliable Python code.

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About The Author
Abhisek Ganguly
Passionate machine learning enthusiast with a deep love for computer science, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI through academic research and sharing knowledge through teaching.