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The Javascript code will be generated here: 

About Javascript Programming Language

Javascript is a light-weight and versatile programming language well known for scripting webpages. It is used alongside HTML and CSS. It primarily handles client-side logic while it adds functionalities to the webpage. Many non-browser environments such as Node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat also use Javascript.

How to use our Javascript code generator?

This free tool helps you generate Javascript code based on your instructions with just a single click of a button. To use our tool, follow these steps:-
    1. Enter your prompt, for example, "Find the factorial of a number in Javascript".
    2. Click on "Generate."
    3. You will see the resulting Javascript code in the output box.

Examples of some Javascript code generated by our AI tool

Below are some examples generated by our Javascript code generator. Please note that you might not receive the same code, as it is generated by an AI model that provides different answers every time and updates periodically.
User Prompt:
Implement Binary Search in Javascript
function binarySearch(arr, target) {
    let low = 0;
    let high = arr.length - 1;

    while (low <= high) {
        const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
        if (arr[mid] === target) {
            return mid;
        } else if (arr[mid] < target) {
            low = mid + 1;
        } else {
            high = mid - 1;

    return -1;

console.log(binarySearch([2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10], 7)); // Output: 3
User Prompt:
Implement a singly linked list data structure in JavaScript.
class ListNode {
    constructor(val) {
        this.val = val;
        this.next = null;

class LinkedList {
    constructor() {
        this.head = null;

    append(val) {
        const newNode = new ListNode(val);
        if (!this.head) {
            this.head = newNode;
        } else {
            let current = this.head;
            while (current.next) {
                current = current.next;
            current.next = newNode;

    print() {
        let current = this.head;
        while (current) {
            current = current.next;

// Example usage:
const list = new LinkedList();
list.print(); // Output: 1, 2, 3
User Prompt:
Write a function to calculate the factorial of a given number using iteration in JavaScript.
function factorial(n) {
    let result = 1;
    for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        result *= i;
    return result;

console.log(factorial(5)); // Output: 120
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