Find the Missing Number (C++, Java, Python)
Understand the leetcode problem to find the missing number and solve it using hashing and the XOR operator approach.
Understand the leetcode problem to find the missing number and solve it using hashing and the XOR operator approach.
K closest point is a classic coding problem that tells the nearest k points from the origin in a 2-D plane we are given n coordinates of a 2-D plane...
In the domain of computer science and data management, efficient caching mechanisms play an important role in enhancing system performance. One of the cache replacement policies is the least recently...
Understand the Linked List Cycle leetcode problem to detect a cycle or a loop in a linked list using Floyd's Tortoise and Hare algorithm.
Understand how to solve the Design Twitter leetcode problem by designing twitter with all its functionalities using data structures and algorithms.
We gave an optimized solution for whole minute dilemma problem with implementation in C++, Java and Python.
We will the leetcode problem of finding the kth largest element in an array using min heap approach with time and space complexities.
We will solve the valid sudoku leetcode problem using HashSet approach, along with implementation in C++, Java and Python.
We will solve the leetcode problem called Subarray Sum equals K using brute force and prefix sum approaches.
Find out how to remove the nth node from the end of a linked list using two pointers approach, with implementation in C++, Java and Python.
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