Compile Your Skills

Data Structures and Algorithms Bootcamp

Our bootcamp is designed to help you become an expert in Data structures and Algorithms and ace product interviews to scale up in your tech career.

Companies majorly focusing on Data Structures during interviews

Why are data structures and algorithms important?

To Solve Some Real-World Complex Problems

Data structures are a key component of Computer Science and help in understanding the nature of a given problem at a deeper level. It plays a vital role for all the learners who are willing to get a good job in MNCs. Having the right understanding and using the right data structures helps software engineers write the right code.

Building Block for your Programming Career

No matter whatever career path you choose in the field of computer science, data structures and algorithms lies at the root of it

Essential Skill for Job in Software Development

Almost all product-based companies look at how strong you are at data structures, so it will also help you in your day-to-day work.

Key highlights of FavTutor's Bootcamp

10 Data Structures and 50+ Questions

We'll be covering 10 Data Structures and 50 top of the best coding interview questions to truly prepare you.

Live 1:1 Sessions

All the sessions will be 1 on 1 live with the tutor and you will be getting personalized learning experience.

Code-Execution Environment

Coding out solutions to algorithm problems is the best way to practice. Our code-execution environment lets you type out your answers and run them against our test cases on our compiler.

Weekly Coding Contest

Get a chance to participate in weekly programming and coding bouts to practice your skills with a healthy competition among your peers and learn new concepts.

Certificate Of Completion

Get secured with a course certification after successful completion of the course. This will help you get started with your journey towards excellence and increase your job prospects.

Mock Coding Interviews

The best way to prepare for a coding interview is to practice it with a real scenario. We'll be organizing mock coding interviews during this bootcamp.

Curriculum is designed to make you a top level coder in 6 stages

Stage 1

10 Days
  • Array and Matrices
  • 5 coding problems
  • String
  • 5 coding problems

Stage 2

10 Days
  • searching and sorting
  • 5 coding problems
  • Linked List
  • 5 coding problems

Stage 3

10 Days
  • Geedy Algorithm
  • 5 coding problems
  • Recursion
  • 5 coding problems

Stage 6

5 Days
  • Graph
  • 5 coding problems
  • Mock Interviews
  • 3 Mock Interviews

Stage 5

10 Days
  • Stack and Queues
  • 5 coding problems
  • Heap
  • 5 coding problems

Stage 4

10 Days
  • Binary Tree
  • 5 coding problems
  • Binary Search Tree
  • 5 coding problems

Course Pricing

Data Structures and Algorithms Bootcamp for Beginners

This Bootcamp includes

  • 50 Hours of 1:1 Live Session
  • 1 Hour of session = $45
  • Payment in Installments
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Instant Doubt Support
  • Mock Interviews

Ready to Start your Coding Journey with our Bootcamp?

What our students say about us


When it comes to preparing for Product companies, there is a vast ocean of resources where one can easily get lost. But the curriculum at FavTutor is well-framed and industry-vetted that I was able to learn all that is expected of a Software Engineer. Not only did I learn DSA, but also brushed my core skills which will remain with me for the rest of my life. I would like to thank the FavTutor team for creating the best bootcamp.

Victor Anderson

The Bootcamp is well designed and coding problems are quite exciting. It has all the levels of problems beginning from easy to hard, evenly distributed to motivate you. The Mentors are active in terms of resolving the doubts and to help you at every stage of learning. I would say that it was the best decision to choose this bootcamp at FavTutor

Questions not listed below? Send us a message and we'll get back to you

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Frequently asked questions

As a software engineer/programmer, one should understand the core concepts of data handling. Understanding data structures and algorithms will benefit candidates in coding interviews, as they will be able to write efficient code to handle the data presented by the interviewer/interviewers. They can write code in any programming language with minimal effort. Product companies worldwide screen applicants based on their grasp of data structures and algorithms. Aside from getting through to product-based companies, the application of data structures and algorithms in the tech world is huge.

You can post your queries in slack channel and our tutors will respond instantly to clear your doubts and since all the classes in the bootcamp will be 1:1, you can ask your doubts directly with the tutor in the session.

There are a number of coding languages with data structures. Among them, C++ and Java stand out for their ease in using DSA. Our bootcamp is available in both C++ and Java progarmming language.

Yes, We have 7 days refund policy. Please check our refund policy

Absolutely not. There are no special prerequisites.

Yes we accept the payments in installments.